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Kamiyuka Small Animal Paper Bedding ORIGINAL 500g Soft Paper Bedding Strips

SKU: 4990968215775

$ 12.00

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- Made of paper materials, soft in texture, with excellent moisture absorption, breathability, and warmth, creating a comfortable environment that is warm in winter and cool in summer.
- Uses pet-friendly, human-friendly, and environmentally friendly materials. Made from hypoallergenic paper materials, ensuring safety for both owners and pets.
- Eco-friendly recycled materials, 100% dust-free.
- The white paper pad makes it easy to see the color of small animals' urine and check their health status.
- Made in Japan.
- Spread the paper pad in the cage to a thickness of about 3 to 5 cm. Please adjust according to the size and habits of your small animal.
- If it becomes very dirty or has a strong odor, please replace it as needed. Areas soiled or dampened by waste should be changed daily, and the entire paper pad should be replaced weekly."
Kamiyuka Small Animal Paper Bedding ORIGINAL 500g Soft Paper Bedding Strips

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Kamiyuka Small Animal Paper Bedding ORIGINAL 500g Soft Paper Bedding Strips



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