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DELI NATURE ChiX Laying Mix (4KG)

SKU: 5411860803925

$ 23.00

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Broken grain mix enriched with a laying pellet for bantam hens, smaller breeds and laying hens. This mix contains energy and protein-rich grains and seeds such as wheat, sorghum, broken green peas and cardi, as well as broken maize. It is enriched with 30% high-quality laying pellet. 

Broken grain mix enriched with a laying pellet for bantam hens, smaller breeds and laying hens. This mix contains energy and protein-rich grains and seeds such as wheat, sorghum, broken green peas and cardi, as well as broken maize. It is enriched with 30% high-quality laying pellet. 



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DELI NATURE ChiX Laying Mix (4KG)



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